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Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

First responses to mental health crisis: where to from here?

Fri, 6 Mar 2020
9:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Ed Heffernan is the Director of the Queensland Forensic Mental Health Service and an Associate Professor in Psychiatry at The University of Queensland. He is a clinician with over 20 years’ experience working at the interface of the mental health and criminal justice systems and he leads the Forensic Mental Health Research Group at Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research. He is also the Clinical Director of the Mental Health Liaison Services to the Police Communications Centre and Queensland Ambulance.

Ed will discuss the novel initiatives, the opportunities and the challenges for mental health services in supporting the first response to mental health crisis situations. He will overview and critique the range of collaborative models, including co-responder models, unique police mental health programs and the important role of the broader mental health sector in this space. He will discuss work happening in Queensland, including findings of a globally unique research study: Partners in Prevention: Understanding and Enhancing First Responses to Suicide Crisis Situations.

Price: Registration for ANZAPPL members: $70
Registration for non-members: $90

Please click here to register.

Rydges South Bank Brisbane
9 Glenelg St, South Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia

PO Box 23370, Docklands, Victoria, 8012, Australia

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